
Non-Surgical Fat Removal vs. Liposuction: Which Procedure Is Best for You?

When it comes to getting rid of stubborn fat in the thighs, belly or hips, diet and exercise don’t always do the trick. Watching the number go down on the scale can feel frustrating if you can’t lose fat in the areas you want. The truth is everyone loses and stores fat differently, depending on factors like genetics and lifestyle choices. Likewise, no one can choose where they lose fat in the body. So, there’s just no way to tell your body to burn fat in your chin instead of your arms, for example.

The good news is that you have other options. People might choose non-surgical fat removal or liposuction to say farewell to those relentless fat deposits and feel amazing in a swimsuit or a new pair of jeans. How do you know which type of fat loss procedure is right for you? Take a breath — we’re here to help. In this guide, we’ll discuss various non-surgical options and liposuction procedures so you can determine the best solution for your needs and body.

Types of Non-Surgical Fat Removal

If the thought of going under the knife makes you shiver, don’t worry — you have plenty of non-surgical fat removal options to get the look you want. Non-invasive fat loss procedures can be used on pretty much any part of the body. They usually involve using a handheld device or injection to shrink, dissolve or destroy fat cells.

Here are body slimming techniques that do not involve surgery or its related risks:

1. Cold Laser Treatment

Cold laser treatment uses low-intensity lasers to target and shrink fat cells. During the procedure, a laser causes fat cells to release their contents, which are then flushed from the body naturally.

You might choose cold laser technology, such as Zerona Z6, if you want an effective treatment without side effects or downtime. If you’re always on the go, you shouldn’t have to worry about this type of treatment slowing you down. Most patients can go back to their usual activities immediately after the procedure.

Compared to other non-surgical fat removal techniques, cold laser treatment may also be the best option if you want to shrink rather than kill fat cells. Although it seems counterintuitive, it’s actually good for your body to keep fat cells intact. Fat cells play essential roles in your body, like supporting endocrine function and immune response. When you lose weight naturally, your fat cells shrink rather than die.

With cold laser treatment, you can expect full-body fat loss and lasting results if you maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you want a fat loss procedure with proven effectiveness and safety, cold laser treatment may be the way to go.

2. Cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis freezes fat cells, which eventually destroys them. During this procedure, the doctor will apply a device to the fatty area and freeze the fat cells under the skin.

You might choose cryolipolysis if you want to remove targeted fat cells permanently. Like other non-surgical fat removal treatments, cryolipolysis is a low-risk procedure. However, cryolipolysis may not be right for you if you want to avoid side effects. Since this type of treatment freezes and kills fat cells, common side effects include pain, swelling, bruising, tingling or numbness in the treated area. There’s also the risk that the treated skin surface will not be smooth after healing. In some cases, cryolipolysis causes fat cells to grow back in unwanted places on the body, so it’s best to discuss this treatment with your doctor first.

3. Radiofrequency Lipolysis

Radiofrequency lipolysis uses heat to destroy fat cells. During this type of treatment, the doctor uses a device to apply heat without actually touching the skin.

You might choose radiofrequency lipolysis to contour your stomach or reduce a fat bulge. Unlike other non-surgical fat removal treatments, radiofrequency lipolysis lets the doctor treat a larger area at once. Since it involves heat, it’s important to be well-hydrated before undergoing this treatment because it’s not as effective if you’re dehydrated. Radiofrequency lipolysis may also cause pain and mild erythema, which leads to a skin rash.

The Different Types of Liposuction Procedures

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that requires anesthesia. During the process, a plastic surgeon will make a small incision in a specific part of your body and use a suction tool called a cannula to suck out the fat. Like any invasive operation, liposuction carries certain risks and can have serious complications. It involves a painful recovery, so you’ll want to carefully consider if this is the right procedure for you.

Why would someone choose liposuction when they have other fat loss options? Liposuction may attract people who want to experience immediate results. However, liposuction can cause severe swelling, which may last for months, leaving patients unable to see the results until they heal.

However, there is a range of liposuction techniques available. Your surgeon will choose the method that best suits your goals and treatment areas. Here’s what you might expect:

  • Tumescent liposuction: During a tumescent liposuction procedure, the surgeon will inject the fatty area with a substantial amount of medicated fluid. This mixture typically includes a local anesthetic, a drug to reduce blood loss and a salt solution to aid fat removal. After the injection, the surgeon will vacuum out the fat. If you’re wondering what the best type of liposuction for stomach fat is, you might talk to your doctor about tumescent liposuction since it’s the most popular method of surgical fat removal.
  • Super-wet technique: The super-wet method is like tumescent liposuction, except it uses less fluid. This procedure typically takes less time than tumescent liposuction but may require general anesthesia.
  • Power-assisted liposuction: Power-assisted liposuction uses a rapidly vibrating cannula, enabling the surgeon to quickly and precisely remove fat. Your doctor might suggest this technique if large amounts of fat need to be removed or if you’ve had liposuctions in the past.

Choosing Non-Surgical Fat Removal or Liposuction

The right fat loss procedure really comes down to your individual needs and expectations. All of the above treatments are designed to reduce fat, but some are more extreme than others.

For example, a surgical procedure like liposuction involves surgery and brings the risk of complications and serious side effects, such as permanent numbness or skin infections. Plus, you can expect a longer, more painful recovery time with liposuction, which means you may need to take extra time off work and get plenty of rest until you heal.

It’s also important to know that liposuction is only recommended for people who have firm, elastic skin, are within 30% of their ideal body weight and are non-smokers. People who have heart disease, diabetes or a weak immune system should avoid getting liposuction.

Cold laser treatment is a safe and effective alternative to liposuction and is the ideal option if you want a quick, non-invasive fat loss procedure. A body-contouring laser, like the Zerona Z6, can be used to reduce fat in your waist, chest, back, arms, thighs, hips and other parts of your body without the risks or costs associated with liposuction. With the Zerona Z6 laser, you can receive treatment during your lunch break if you want and go back to work afterward. Although a non-surgical fat loss procedure like laser sculpting usually takes six 40-minute-long treatments before you’ll see results, you may realize it’s worth the wait since you won’t have downtime or side effects.

If you’re still not sure which type of fat loss procedure is right for you, your best bet is to discuss your options with your doctor. Your doctor can help you make the right choice based on your health, body type and goals.

Talk to Your Doctor About Zerona

If you’re ready to explore non-surgical fat loss treatments, ask your doctor about Zerona. Unlike other procedures that kill fat cells, Zerona low-level laser treatments shrink fat cells and keep them healthy. Speak with your doctor about Zerona treatments to learn more, or find a provider near you.

Last Updated on January 22, 2021 by zerona

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